Milestone Wedding Anniversaries Worthy of Gemstones

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People lucky enough to find “the one” they want to spend their lives with are very fortunate indeed, but for the couples whose marital love story lasts through the decades, their devotion is as valuable as the gemstones associated with gifts for milestone anniversaries. While each anniversary may represent an important accomplishment for newlyweds, it’s the long-time marriages that are looked upon as most impressive and worthy of special anniversary celebrations with generations created over the years.

According to the history of wedding anniversary celebrations, the celebration of wedding anniversaries “dates back to Roman times when husbands gave their wives a silver wreath for 25 years of marriage, and a gold wreath for 50 years. Twentieth-century commercialism then led to the addition of more gifts to represent color and names for other years. By the 1930s, there was a material or symbol representing the year as a gift suggestion for the first year and milestone years such as 10th, 20th, 25th, and 50th. Over the years, more were added and the gift list updated and modernized by various American and British greeting card companies.”

As milestone anniversaries grew in importance, so did the gifts that have become associated with long-term marital celebrations. While gifts for years one through 10 deserve acknowledgement, it’s the gifts that represent years 25 through 75 that usually leave people agape at the longevity of an older couple’s lifetime of love and commitment. Luckily, Hallmark is ready for any anniversary celebration with a wide range of tradition and modern gift options that are sure to pay homage to the strength of a long-term, rock-solid marriage.

In Indian River County (IRC), there are many ways that couples celebrate milestone anniversaries—both through special gifts and special events that include family and friends. Beginning with the 25th (silver) anniversary, arguably the most well-known anniversary, five-year increment gifts are as follows: pearl for year 30, coral for year 35, ruby for year 40, sapphire for year 45, gold for year 50, diamond for year 60, blue sapphire for year 65, platinum for year 70, and oak for year 80. With many options available in IRC, there is no end to choosing a gift that is as special as the couple celebrating their special milestone anniversary.

Along with modern gatherings with friends and family, many couples are choosing to celebrate milestone anniversaries of today by recreating the past. A current popular trend is revisiting the location where the couple met and recreating their first date, which ends with a vow renewal ceremony on-site. Another popular trend is to have the dream honeymoon that may have been financially out of reach when the couple got married many years prior. In IRC, many of the most popular anniversary celebration trends can be easily arranged with shop staff or event planners, regardless of whether the event will be held on the beach or on the town.

For many couples, every anniversary is a milestone, with wedding anniversaries celebrated differently around the world. However, in spite of differences in celebration, most couples agree that doing something special on their wedding anniversary is one way to acknowledge when their love story began and to reaffirm their commitment to each other for many years to come.

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Photo courtesy of Anders Noren

Photo courtesy of Stockcake

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